Ero Seagull and her musical FliGhts …
Striving through right and wrong … People walking by like there is no one else around and feel like there is only quite … Travelling with the eyes of a bird – listening – feeling and somewhere between we have just met a new artist by the name Ero Seagull
Hello there Ero .. give us some details about u as a person …
Hello there, thank you for having me. Some details are that I’m a dreamer, I love John Lennon and what he believed in. I believe in a better world too. A world where we don’t even know what war means, or violence or hatred. Where we own the world and make the world so beautiful. With nature and animals being free. I am a Buddhist and I believe in Christ too. I see both of their truths and they are magnificent. I like to close my eyes and play piano. I love Classical music and creating new songs. I have five cats and they are beautiful and peaceful. I have beautiful friends and family. I greatly enjoy spending time with them. I am in love with life. I am a Bohèmian. I believe in the Bohèmian revolution about love truth beauty and freedom. The best principles. And I am a great fan of Romeo and Juliet. I believe in this love.
How was the start firstly inside u and then to your closest people (as an announcement of following your dreams as an artist i mean)
I was always an artist. I studied theatre and film directing. Everyone in my life recognised me as one and music was part of my life for ever. I started as a young kid playing instruments. On my free time in the university I was going to the black beauty, a Yamaha piano and I was playing for hours. We would gather to the bungalow where my mates lived and we would play songs. Creating music was always a given like the breath is. When I returned from England I started taking it more seriously with my best friend Stefanos. And when I found out about The Peoples Music Awards contest I decided to take part. I created a poem song with the music me and Stef had created and I applied. There were three rounds. The first and the third was to have people voting for you. I wanted to get to the second round and win this round which was the Judges round. I came first and I knew that that was the path I had. I was asked to go and perform in the venue Scala in London and at first I wasn’t going to go because I was very anxious about performing in front of people, but my friend and actress Elektra Tsakalia insisted I go and I asked her to come and perform with me. And so it happened. My brother Antony gave me a homeopathic medicine about stage fright and one hour before the live I took it and it truly became easy to get on stage. We all loved it and I conquered a fear and that is when I knew that that’s where I belong. Creating music.
What is the type of music that u are mainly attracted to?
There is so much great music in the world, I press on YouTube on a song that is suggested and it is always great. Whether it’s a Folk song or a Classical song it’s always great. I can’t say that I have a type. I listen to all types of music. I am currently preparing a trip that will start from Morocco and I don’t know where it will end where I will discover music and truths. I am in a constant trip to find truths and become the best version of myself as a human and as an artist.
Which are the reasons that drew your attention to this type of artistic expression … Your inspirations?
My inspiration are The Beatles. How they created music on a soul trip. They were growing up and they were creating different stuff accordingly to what they were going through at that moment. Music in life. Life in music. I knew from a young age that I will follow this path. Spirituality and Music. Music is the expression of my soul. I am currently writing a new song called “My Baby” where I talk from the view point of a person that has a relationship with a borderline baby. I am borderline so I know how we act. I talked to people who have dated a borderline person and it inspired me to write about it. The reason that drew my attention to this type of artistic expression is also to exorcise daemons. I have also been with a borderline lover. So I see both sides of the coin. I understand both viewpoints. I am in the middle.

How about your upcoming album and your goals concerning its course after the release?
I am working on the single I mentioned at the moment and I will have The Evolution release party in Temple, Athens on the Thursday 26th of March. The band Too Many T’s will be there! We will perform What’s in a Romeo with Leon (Rhymes) together ‘It’s a favorite band‘. I will love every minute seeing them on stage. You don’t understand until you see them, they’re amazing. And Temple is the right place for this gig. I will start working on the upcoming album when I feel the time is right. I don’t stress when it comes to creating music. All good things come to those who wait.
Give us some details about your plans in the near future as well as where you see yourself standing after some years?
In the near future I will release video clips from the Evolution album. And I wish to do gigs in Europe, Australia and Japan for a start. I see myself travelling with my music, getting inspired by different countries and bringing elements that inspire me into my songs.
Are there any serious proposals concerning your project Ero Seagull here in Hellas or abroad?
I had sent my music to a promotion company in the UK and they liked what they heard and they will promote the new single I am working on in the UK. Hopefully it will go well.

What do u feel about standing here in your country as an artist? Do u find any difficulties and if yes what are they?
The only difficulty I can think of is the lack of managers, agents. I have to do it all by myself. Luckily I’ve worked as a Manager myself in the past so I have the know how at some basic level but it would be a great help if there were people who did that for me.
How ‘Ero Seagull’ came up as a name? Are there any hidden messages over there?
My last name in Greek means Seagull so I translated it, no hidden messages. (pretty lucky girl youuu laughs …)
What are u trying to achieve through your art?
I like to create music that speaks to my heart and if it speaks to people’s hearts and makes their heart sing even better. I like Political messages that could bring a change. As a kid when I found out how the world is I wasn’t fond of it. Music is a medium to bring a change. For instance, 2Pac awakened people with his song “Changes” and this is something I wish to do as well. That’s how it’s supposed to be in my mind.
If u had the chance of picking a place to be right now, to have a team working with u right now and a place to perform what would these be?
I would like to try LA with Dr DRE and a place to perform would be Glastonbury.
Besides music are there any other forms of art that draw your attention?
I’ve written a book that I wish to direct to a film at some point in my life.
What is Art for U?
The expression of imagination or of an emotionally driven behaviour. A creation that appeals in the senses or emotions.
Describe the ideal course of your art through time and space …
I wish to be in a dynamic process. I wish my art to be experimental. I wish to offer something new and I wish this experience to make me grow spiritually and change my viewing significantly. I wish to investigate this art form, music, and my findings to suggest a different and more complexed asymmetric context.
What would u expect from an art social network such M.A.G. for new artists like u? What would be your advice through this interview for our network and our approach to artists such as yourself?
If I ran an art social network like M.A.G. I would every year organise a Festival introducing the new artists I had discovered. It could be named Intromucing or something I don’t know. An advice I follow is an advice I read when I was reading about God Ra from Egypt, “You were made in the likeness of a peace that nothing can disturb. Reclaim your peace that you may attain to your reason for coming into existence, the enjoyment of life”.

Finally give us a portrait of the project ‘Ero Seagull’ and your quote as an artist …
Ero Seagull is not a product it’s a glimpse of what I do on a daily basis. I have a very personal view of the world and the project is to express my viewpoint. I don’t have an ulterior motive to be honest I’m playing music for music itself because it’s my life, that’s what I do. My life is personal relationships and music. I spend my days and nights immersed in my personal view on the world which does not allow room for ulterior motives. My quote as an artist is, instead of worrying about what you cannot control, shift your energy to what you can create. The best things in life are free. Love! Like Marlene Dietrich once sang “I wish you bluebirds in the spring, to give your heart a song to sing and then a kiss but more than this I wish you love”.
Spotify – bit.ly/eroseagull
Official links
With Compliments