As long as i can remember there are people who u are getting to know with, that truly inspire other people to do what they have been doing so far, but even better … One of these can be said that is Andreas Henneberg and his muSicAlitY as an artist … !!
Enjoy the interview below…
Andreas Henneberg and lots of alter ego’s, which means?
Well, Andreas Henneberg is my real name and of course the alter ego I focus most on.
”The Glitz” is a project i’m running with my close friend Daniel Nitsch since 2007, doing House & Techhouse
”Cascandy” is my second solo-project and kind of a playground for ideas and music aboard my Henneberg genres.
How u feel about your new project with some classical musicians live?
It’s very impressive to work with a 80 people philharmonic orchestra and at the beginning I was very afraid as well.Together we are going to perform a few tracks of my new album and some of my greatest hits from the past. It feels great and we are already planning a world tour for 2018/2019.
Is that your 1st album (hahahaha)?
”SEVENTEEN” will be the second Andreas Henneberg album. A bit different compared to my first album as well. Much more dance-floor orientated and straight forward as well.
What u feel on where dance music is going to nowadays (cause we see that more edm is produced for the masses and quality sounds seem like garbage)?
Techno and all the sub-genres are on a very good way in my opinion. The commercial EDM is on a worldwide downhill trend at the moment. All the kids are growing up and looking for more quality dance music. You can feel it very strong in the USA or in Australia where huge techno party’s, raves and festivals happening every weekend. This was totally different just 3 years ago when techno was just a very little, underground thing. I’m in a very positive mood when it comes to the future of electronic music.
What are we gonna see from Andreas Henneberg in this album?
You’ll see 100% Henneberg! The album reflects very good what I play in my Dj sets and what sound i’m standing for. Nothing to hide.. 😉
Are there any plans on visiting Hellas?
Actually, I played a lot of shows in Greece back in the Days. From Athens to Tessaloniki and back… I hope to come back soon again in fact I love your food, culture and the amazingly good weather!!!
Are u willing on making a song or a tune along with a well respected artist from Hellas for a good cause? If yes, then we can make an effort and create something great…
With my project ”The Glitz” we are releasing a new EP on Mihalis Safras’ label ”Material” by end of the year. On our label ”Voltage Musique” we released stuff from Greek artists like Savas Pascalidis, Lemos, Klugermann and Scorpio. So, there’s definitively a greek-connection..
How would u feel on performing for a festival that M.A.G. (MusicArtMagazine) will organize for lots of artists and participate in workshops and masterclasses for young dj’s and producers?
I’m always happy to play and for me it’s still a very big privilege to travel, meet new people and explore countries only with my music. That kind of shows me that I can reach people with what I do and thats the biggest compliment you can get as a musician.
Techno music – House music – or just Music?
Just music! Compare it to a paint-artist and you will see that it’s all about the creativity and not only about the thing the artist is painting. It’s the same with music and all other kind of arts.
I’m enjoying good music, creatively painted pictures or photographs.
What is art for u Andreas?
That’s simple.. Creativity, skills and expression.
U can check for more Andreas Henneberg Here …. !!
Soundcloud : https://soundcloud.com/andreas-henneberg
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